Chapter 919: The Divine Pill Is Made, The Divine Master Appears!_1

After gaining this batch of Divine Stones, Lin Zhen now had over sixty thousand of them, enough to exchange for Beast God Blood.

He opened the exchange panel and sent a request.


"Hahaha, Moses! How about that? Lin Zhen is exchanging for Beast God Blood. You got nothing else to say now, right? Better hurry up and do the exchange. With Lin Zhen advancing to the God Realm Stage, he can definitely cross the ten-meter line!"

There was a smile on Jinling's face. This little junior from Falling Star Lake was indeed doing well. With his Peak of Spiritual Mind strength, coupled with his agility and wisdom, he managed to make it all the way here.

Just how strong the little junior would become after reaching the God Realm Stage, Jinling was also very curious.