Chapter 928: Rainbow Battle Tactic_1

During this process, Lin Zhen was not without attacks, some people's attacks hit him, but now Lin Zhen is fully armored with gold, incredibly strong and tough. Coupled with the powerful recovery of the Immortal Spiritual Body, the attacks of ordinary people can only cause Lin Zhen some superficial wounds.

With high attack, high defense, and high speed, everywhere Lin Zhen goes is like a hurricane, and the Endless Species fell in large numbers!

Just in a minute, Lin Zhen caused a complete collapse of the morale of the Endless Species army!

Those in the God Realm, the Divine Stone Period, and even demi-gods have completely given up the fight and fled for their lives.

They have already realized that Lin Zhen's current strength is not something that can be overcome by sheer numbers. Those below demi-gods have no use at all, they can't even hurt Lin Zhen, let alone fight him.

Even demi-gods are useless, if they can hurt Lin Zhen a little, he can recover quickly.