Chapter 965: Red Brocade Sky Net_1

Lin Zhen stretched out his hand, moving very slowly.

The Red Widow's face was full of triumph. She was waiting for Lin Zhen to fall into her trap. Behind her, her ten fingers formed sharp hooks. As soon as Lin Zhen got closer, she was prepared to deliver a fatal blow.

All of this was happening in slow motion. On the dimensional universe screen, the expressions of both individuals were clearly captured.

People of the Ground Clan were feeling extremely anxious, puzzled by Lin Zhen's apparent lack of resistance as he easily succumbed to distraction.

Yet some of the expert fighters of the Endless Species understood how powerful the Red Widow's charm was. Lin Zhen's only chance of victory would have been to strike her at full power as soon as she entered the stage. Since the Red Widow had made the first move, it meant that Lin Zhen was done for.

The atmosphere seemed strangely tense....


The distance between the two people closed, and Lin Zhen reached the Red Widow.