Chapter 973: The Final Gamble_1

A wave of cheers erupted from the side of the Ground Clan.

Lin Zhen had done them proud by managing to eliminate the veteran Strong One from the Endless Species, Yama. It was a victory of extraordinary significance.

Dong Xuehan, Tiannie, Yama - these three were the linchpins of the Endless Species, rarely experiencing defeat.

Even Ye Xingcai, the Ground Clan's second-best, would hesitate to claim victory over Yama. Yet, surprisingly, Lin Zhen succeeded.

Lin Zhen's victory saved the Ground Clan from the awkward circumstance of facing five opponents with only three fighters, preserving the dignity of the Ground Clan.

With this, the challenge round had ended, and all qualifiers had been determined.

In total, eight people advanced directly. These included Qiong Jing, Ye Xingcai, Augustine, and Lin Zhen from the Ground Clan.

From the Endless Species, the qualifiers were Dong Xuehan, Tiannie, Edward, and Tian Zhuo.