Chapter 975: Who is Dong Xuehan? _1

Hearing this voice, Dong Xuehan was taken aback.

The event that soon followed was even harder for her to swallow.

As a medicinal aroma began to emanate from Lin Zhen's body, his previously severe injuries started to rapidly recover and the life force that had vanished began to resurface.

Her soft hand instinctively brushed against Lin Zhen's eyelids twice, but his eyes grew wider with each touch.

"'t you dead?"

Lin Zhen showed an awkward smile: "Yes, I was just dead, but apart from being a Martial Artist, I am also an Alchemist. A God-level Alchemist, in fact..."

Dong Xuehan's face turned grim.

"Hehe! Well.... us Ground Clan folk have a saying, it's called life and death. It probably describes my situation now, dying and coming back to life. I believe Xue'er, you can understand, right?"

Dong Xuehan gritted her teeth: "Yes, I can understand, I completely understand. I understand that you are a shameless lying bastard!"