Chapter 981 Domain Power_1

After hearing Lei Luo's explanation, Lin Zhen had an epiphany.

"Is the Divine Domain that senior brother three mentioned refers to the evolution of the individual realm of a martial artist?"

Lei Luo nodded slightly: "Indeed, every martial artist has his unique domain force-field. However, the limitations of domain power are vast. If faced with an opponent whose Star Power is stronger than yours, your domain will be shattered, and training it is also incredibly arduous and complex. As such, martial artists' domains often do not achieve significant accomplishments."

"While this perspective isn't incorrect, there is a rarely known secret regarding domains."

Lei Luo glanced around. There were barely any people left on the dueling platform, and even the main grandstand was empty. He then whispered to Lin Zhen: "The Divine Domain differs from ordinary domains. Once opened, it can boost Star Power!"

"Boost Star Power?"