Chapter 993: The Era of God's Rule_1

After passing through Napoli's atmosphere, Lin Zhen landed on a mountain peak.

Just as he had landed, an overpowering divine sense came swooping towards him!

It was a Lower God scanning!

Lin Zhen shivered at this, as he was not yet ready to confront a Lower God directly. If discovered, it would absolutely result in a battle of encounter, which would be extremely disadvantageous to him.

The best outcome would be for Lin Zhen to escape from Napolet disgracefully, never able to find the clue to the Sovereign Weapon again.

At the crucial moment, Lin Zhen decisively used the Morphing Skill, transforming himself into a nondescript, lifeless stone.

Having turned into a stone, Lin Zhen rolled into a pile of rubble, right as the horrifying divine sense swept over.

Lin Zhen's Star Power concealed itself into the Black Hole, leaking nothing, quietly lying in the pile of stones, and no one could tell that this stone was actually transformed from a human.