Like in Freedom City, at the Soul Lock Platform, Feng Dao, the Holy Land Resident, was contemplating Lin Zhen's challenge on the tower with Ling Dong.

Ling Dong's situation was similar to Mingjian's. They were both successors trained with the full force of the Holy Land, considered prodigies amongst prodigies.

However, Ling Dong was more composed than Mingjian. Although he didn't dismiss Lin Zhen openly, the intent to battle was still vivid in his eyes.

At the Twin Trees Garden Holy Land, the fourth young mistress of the Holy Land, Fang Fei, was watching the Dimensional Universe broadcast with Feng Qingluan.

"Qing Luan, you've seen the man you're attracted to, haven't you? Now you're surpassing him in terms of the realm," Fang Fei teased.

Feng Qingluan sat with the wind whirling through the twin trees and brushing her face, causing her hair to flutter in a dreamlike vision.