Chapter 1021: Tactical Planning_1

As Lin Zhen expected, three days later, the expansion of the Hall of Fame had been completed.

This time, the number of Hall of Fame members had increased to three hundred!

This was the result of negotiations between the Ground Clan and the Endless Species. They each increased the number of their Hall of Fame members by two hundred.

Most of these new additions, namely ninety percent of them, were former members of the Hall of Fame. These individuals' attempts to ascend to the Deity status had failed and they were currently at the Demigod Realm, but they each possessed remarkable strength.

Initially, Lin Zhen had envisioned that re-ranking the Hall of Fame would prove challenging. However, it was quickly settled.

The newly added members were all elderly individuals who had been alive for countless years, and they chose to automatically place themselves in front of the current Hall of Fame members.