Chapter 1041: Sweeping thousands of troops like a rolled carpet!_1

Lou Jialuo and Shadow Kill quickly came to an agreement.

The Endless Species had three spots, with Earth Treasury and Lou Jialuo each taking one, leaving the remaining one to Shadow Kill!

As long as Shadow Kill could open the city gates, it would greatly reduce the losses of the Endless Species. Earth Treasury believed that this was a worthy trade for a spot.

To cover for Shadow Kill's actions, attacks were intensified from other directions, forcing the Ground Clan to allocate more manpower for defense, leaving the West Gate relatively unguarded.

A plot was in motion, and with a solid guarantee, Shadow Kill had made up his mind to open the city gates.

"It's not that I'm heartless or unrighteous, but the Ground Clan has no hope left. Instead of waiting here for death, it's better to receive the protection of the Endless Species, become a god, and enjoy eternal freedom."

"As for my fellow clansmen, consider yourselves sacrificial offerings for my ascension to godhood!"