Chapter 1047: The Perfect Tragedy! (Third Update)_1

Once determined to settle matters with Lin Zhen, Earth Treasury acted swiftly.

He wished to resolve the issues once and for all, so the Endless Species launched their final assault.

Even though Lin Zhen had previously deployed numerous Divine Stones in defense, the consumption was hefty. After many days, they were almost exhausted.

When all the Endless Species pushed up, the city defense was on the verge of collapsing. The Nine Profound and several others took the lead in defending, neglecting no effort.

Everyone knew this was the final battle. The exhausted Ground Clan members, who had continuously taken Elixirs for replenishment, had developed resistance, yet they had no choice but to insist on joining the battle.

Even if it meant death, they would die on the city wall. This was the words of Nine Profound.

Lin Zhen alone was resisting the two hundred billion enemy forces at the West Gate. How could they feel right about resting?