Chapter 1055: Two Secret Manuals_1

Listening to Panpas's account, Lin Zhen began to have some understanding of the world outside.

The realm of life genes is the focus of Divine cultivation.

But this is only limited to those who have ascended to godhood on their own. Those who became gods with the God Crystals have no way to cultivate life genes.

To cultivate life genes, you need cultivation techniques first.

Not only life genes can be cultivated, but Spiritual Power can also be enhanced.

The peak state of Cui Mang colored Spiritual Power can be further enhanced through cultivation.

Hearing from Panpas, Lin Zhen found a direction for his future cultivation.

"Brother Lin, I see that you have reached a very high level of Star Power, over a hundred billion, right?"

As a Lower God who has ascended on his own, Panpas' gaze was like a torch, easily seeing through Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen nodded slightly, this was something he was very proud of.