Falling Star Lake, it's the largest body of water in the Original World, spanning an unfathomable area.

When a Constant Star falls into it, it's akin to a pebble thrown into the Atlantic Ocean.

Such an ocean's depth cannot be measured in meters, but rather in kilometers, stellar miles, or even light-years!

Lin Zhen's real body enters Falling Star Lake, beginning to sink relentlessly.

Just like a missile launched underwater, the descending speed is astonishingly fast.

Fish schools keep appearing around him, as he sinks deeper, normal schools turn into deep-sea ones.

The deeper he gets, the stranger the marine life forms become.

Sharks stretching to a hundred meters, squids spread out like little hills, jellyfish larger than buildings, and occasionally, the Flood Dragon causing the overturning of rivers and seas, all appear sporadically within Lin Zhen's field of view.