Chapter 1064: Gene Essence_1

The metallic weapon Lin Zhen tossed into the sky attracted the thunder and lightning. His spear was immediately summoned into action.

By focusing all his energy into one thrust, he hit the Thunder Serpent right in the most crucial spot!

With the spear piercing its body, blood splattered everywhere!

The Thunder Serpent let out a painful scream as Lin Zhen successfully struck its vital point.

But the ferocity of the Thunder Serpent was beyond Lin Zhen's imagination. Its body moved like a lightning, swiftly coiling around Lin Zhen.

Crack! Crack!

Under the immense pressure, Lin Zhen's bones creaked alarmingly. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been strangled to death.

Even Lin Zhen's Immortal Dominant Body felt the pressure in front of the Thunder Serpent that had reached the rank of Lower God. The power in his chest seemed unable to exert itself.
