Chapter 1075: The Crisis Spot of the Third Layer!_1

Watching Lin Zhen's retreating figure, Charlie shouted in frustration.

His Star Power and life genes both surpassed Lin Zhen's, but what could he do when Lin Zhen had a Thundercloud and Lightning Wings, absorbing the lightning like a boost, successfully shaking him off.

Charlie, unwilling to accept this, chased relentlessly behind him, rushing forward like wind and lightning, until they reached the entrance of the third layer, Charlie was already a significant distance behind.

Charlie roared from afar: "Lin Zhen! Let's make a deal, hand over the treasured items on your body and we will cease fighting. Otherwise, the thunderstorm within the third layer would be powerful enough to end your life. If you don't believe me, I am willing to swear on my honor!"

Lin Zhen reached the entrance of the third layer, stopped and turned back to look at a small black dot in the distance rapidly approaching, and sneered: "Your honor is worthless."