Chapter 1086 Cut Down! (Third update)_1

There are eighteen intersections within the Earth Core Purgatory.

These eighteen intersections don't differentiate in precedence, Lin Zhen took the seventeenth from the left, but if one were to count from the right side, it would be the second one.

On the right side are nine intersections, each with a single elemental attribute: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, with an additional one for dark energy, making it nine in total.

Generally, martial artists who come for cultivation and training would head for the intersections on the right. After all, it's easier to deal with fierce beasts of single attributes, and the energy within is easier to resist.

However, the nine intersections on the left are more challenging.

The first one among them possesses two kinds of energy elements, specifically water and fire. The conglomeration of these two extreme elements makes survival incredibly difficult.

The second intersection has three types, and the third one has four.