Chapter 1089: Qi of Chaos (Third Update)_1

Lin Zhen knew he was in an extremely dangerous situation.

No matter how strong he was, he could not fight against the Upper Gods, even if they were just three Crystal Upper Gods.

Facing the combined assault of the three individuals, his only option was to retreat to the passage behind him.

Lin Zhen had originally planned that his limit would be entering the seventh passage, but with Upper Gods closing in from both sides, he had no choice but to enter the eighth passage, as all other routes were blocked.

"Fight! It's better to die in the Elemental Flux than at the hands of Wang Chong."

Lin Zhen drew back, preparing to enter the eighth passage.

Yet, Wang Chong, who was oncoming from the opposite side, had no intention of allowing Lin Zhen to get his wish.

With a raise of his hand, a ball of starlight exploded in his palm. By the time it reached Lin Zhen, it had already formed into a miniature Starburst!

Palm Star Explosion!