Chapter 1100: Top Quality Sovereign Battle Armor! (Third update)_1

Lin Zhen didn't feel he owed anything to the teenager. This guy had somehow gotten his hands on a Sovereign Seal, clearly unaware of its value. Had someone else recognized its worth, they might have just bought the seal off him. The compensation Lin Zhen had already given him was more than fair.

Don't underestimate the worth of fifty thousand Witch Coins. If converted according to their value and taken to the New World, they could buy fifty thousand Life Stars!

With this amount of money, the teenager would have no worries about food and clothing on the Witch Star.

Even though the teenager was not guilty of anything, possessing the Seal could invite disaster. This was indeed a good choice for him.

Lin Zhen had already seen in the Dimensional Universe that there were thirty-two Sovereign Seals in total. The holders of eight seals had died, suggesting that the seal the teenager had was likely from a deceased holder.