Chapter 1118 Temporary Team-Up_1

The two martial artists attacking Vieri leapt high in the air, their dual swords swinging in unison. This strike could easily claim Vieri's life!

The snow-covered continent was now at high noon. The feeble light barely penetrated the darkness, which was like nightfall for ordinary people but still made a significant difference to martial artists.

Just as they were about to swing their swords down, they feel a massive shadow looming behind them.

Being middle-level Gods, their senses were incredibly sharp. They sensed an approaching threat from behind, and both made the correct decision almost simultaneously.

They momentarily halted their attack on Vieri, needing to first resolve the imminent threat.

Both men withdrew their swords. Without looking back, they immediately attacked with a retreating stab!

But when they thrust out their swords, it felt as if they had hit a rock!