Chapter 1123 Mirror Lake Volcano Group_1

Next to Su Shanna's team, a group of four was ready to go.

The team leader was Lanka, who had once drank with Su Shanna at the bar. He chuckled at Su Shanna, "I heard your team admitted a Lower God. I just wonder what you've been thinking. In our expedition team, a Lower God can also make his way in. And this Lower God has quite a big attitude. Everyone is ready to go, yet he still hasn't appeared? Ha ha ha! It seems like you guys have found a big boss."

Su Shanna's face turned a bit unsightly, but now that her strength had greatly improved, she didn't care about Lanka. With a cold snort, she said, "No need for you to worry about that."

"Alright, see you in the expedition area then."

Lanka's team left, and gradually more expedition teams took off, leaving fewer and fewer people in the snow valley.

Su Shanna and her team waited for three whole days. Apart from those who stayed behind, only the Lower Gods were left in the valley.

On the fourth day, Lin Zhen finally came out.