Chapter 1134: The Failed Siege Plan_1

Advancing along the lava of the volcano, Lin Zhen didn't touch the ground, leaving no footprints on the path.

He walked all the way to the vicinity of the volcano's crater, where the people of the Eight Great Hammers were busy arranging a formation, preparing to retrieve a soon-to-emerge treasure.

Lin Zhen chose a hidden spot to stop and survey his surroundings.

Not far away, atop a Divine Shield Ship, a Late Stage of Upper Gods was issuing loud orders and instructions.

This person was the leader of the Eight Great Hammers. However, he didn't seem very powerful. Lin Zhen felt that the danger was unlikely to come from him.

But he couldn't discern any clues from the surroundings, so he simply let it be, focusing solely on waiting for the treasure to appear.

While he was watching for the treasure, others were watching him.

As per the arranged layout by these factions, everyone had a clear division of labor.