Chapter 1138: Dangerous Heavenly Tribulation (Six additional updates for 320 monthly tickets)_1

Aegus was ruthlessly determined, and after using all his points to exchange for the Star Bomb, he headed straight for the Crimson Flame Volcano where Lin Zhen was located.

He was already close to Lin Zhen's area, and when he arrived, there were no other people around.

Seeing the Robbery Clouds gathering in the sky, Aegus gritted his teeth and hurried towards the volcano crater.


The Heavenly Tribulation was gathering in the sky, and the thick Robbery Clouds seemed ready to descend on his head.

Lin Zhen looked up at the sky, only to see streaks of crisscrossing golden qi darting chaotically within the clouds.

"Not the golden qi again. These Heavenly Tribulations automatically target one's weaknesses, and my understanding of the golden qi is poor."

Lin Zhen's expression was somber. Among the elemental energies he had practiced, the one that troubled him the most was golden qi.