Chapter 1140: Breaking Through to the Middle-Level God!_1

Aegus's words also drew reactions from others.

Not only was Andromandis tempted, but Ge Lin was also moved.

A total of thirty-two Sovereign Seals were issued, and nine equaled one set of the Primordial Chaos Armor. According to Aegus, the first to complete the set gets it.

From this logic, he also had a chance now.

However, Ge Lin was not ready to attack Lin Zhen. After all, Lin Zhen had been good to him. Instead, he thought of attacking his other brothers.

Others may not be able to find where these brothers are, but Ge Lin had his ways.

Because Ge Lin's father was a Sovereign himself!

That's also why Ge Lin was so confident and didn't take anyone seriously, even including Andromandis.

He could use his father's power to locate others and get what he wants.

As soon as he thought of it, Ge Lin, also from the Mirror Lake Continent, joined the action to collect the Seals.

Other's reactions differed upon hearing this news.