Chapter 1145: Unappreciative Newcomer (Third Update, for 560 monthly tickets added) _1

Upon hearing Su Shanna's words, Vieri and Yibu's eyes gleamed.

Zhu Chuang was indeed a well-known figure, the deputy leader of the Eight Great Hammers, the son of Iron Hammer Zhu Yuanhu, and most importantly, Zhu Chuang himself was extremely strong, with many heroic exploits throughout his journey of cultivation.

The only blemish, perhaps, was when he besieged the Ghost Face Man at the Flaming Volcano some years ago, and was knocked over by a single Mental Shock from the Ghost Face Man.

Although this incident had somewhat affected Zhu Chuang's reputation, there were hardly any who doubted his strength. After all, the Ghost Face Man was simply too powerful. Even Whistling Wind who was at the Upper God Peak didn't emerge from the volcano, let alone Zhu Chuang who was in the Late Stage of Upper Gods.

Some even believed that Zhu Chuang might have the potential to become a God King in the future.