Chapter 1158: Stormy Gathering! _1

Lin Zhen's bizarre phenomenon caught the attention of the people below.

At first, those in the Dimensional Arena kept a safe distance from Lin Zhen, fearing that the explosion could affect them. However, after a while, they noticed that the frequency of the golden energy bursting from him was reducing.

This Ghost Face Man, Lin Zhen, was able to endure the pain of billions of golden energies piercing his body and could also suppress them!

This discovery shocked them. They didn't want to witness such a scene.

Ghost Face Man, Black Hole Beast, Lin Zhen!

This man devoured the Ci Wei, and now he could even suppress this vast golden energy, which was similar to a star system. If he could survive this catastrophe, would there be any survivable path left for them?

They must kill him!

Auston shouted, "Brothers, this is our chance. Let's finish him!"

Immediately, the participants in the Dimensional Arena swarmed towards Lin Zhen, who was still fighting the golden energy in the sky.