Chapter 1161: Gold Trial! (Fifth update, Added 920 monthly tickets)_1

All the chaos happening outside, Lin Zhen didn't have the time to care about. After launching his boundary, he could only devote all his energy to dealing with the invasion of gold qi.

Every strand of gold qi was like a steel knife, iron needle, wandering in Lin Zhen's limbs and bones.

But corresponding to those gold qi was a wisp of Cosmic Origin, wandering everywhere, smoothing the violent gold qi.

Lin Zhen gritted his teeth and endured for a while, knowing he couldn't keep going like this.

"The wisp of Cosmic Origin is not infinite, it's depleting as it smooths out the gold qi. My only option is to grasp the True Meaning of Gold in the shortest time!"

"Only by mastering the True Meaning of Gold can I truly make use of this gold qi without causing the slightest harm. This is my only chance to survive."