Chapter 1163: Middle-level God Peak! (Seventh Update, 1000 Monthly Votes Added)_1

Inside the Moon Elf Tree, all the gods lifted their gazes, their mouths open wide as they stared at the figure situated at the very center, Lin Zhen.

What exactly happened to this guy?

"Not good! He has grasped the True Meaning of Gold!" The Tree Demon King was the first to roar in fury, clutching his palm tightly, yet feeling completely powerless against Lin Zhen within the realm.

People felt their hearts tighten, unable to believe that the Ghost Face Man actually comprehended it. Grasping the True Meaning of Gold was incredibly challenging and twisted. How could Lin Zhen comprehend it so quickly?

And it wasn't just simply comprehension; he was even about to break through!

"This guy, even if you break through, what difference does it make? Inside the Moon Elf Tree, there are three thousand people, each of them is at least in the Late Stage of Upper Gods, most are at the peak, and there are even Quasi-God Kings. Once you emerge, you'll be pummeled!"