Chapter 1165 Domain Armament, Night Forest_1

The power of Lin Zhen's three strikes left everyone stunned, yet it was not enough to make them retreat.

After the strikes, the golden aura overflowing from Lin Zhen dissipated. These strikes, so fierce, were likely the product of the billion-year accumulation of golden aura by Ci Wei.

Lin Zhen was merely harnessing these golden auras with his own strength, creating such an effect. This was something the crowd could discern.

The initial group of four hundred were nothing but cannon fodder. It seemed, though, that they had served a purpose.

People in the distance who had been watching the battle began to stir.

Except for Lanka from the Star River Giant Beast Alliance who remained still with some Star River beasts, all the members of other guilds mounted the stage.

"Hehe, now it's our turn."

"The legend of Ghost Face Man will end today."

Lin Zhen returned from Mirror Lake to the beach area, where his adversaries were now prepared.