Chapter 1169: Hate the God King! (Third Update, 1080 Monthly Votes Added)_1

Lin Zhen was exceptionally excited. Andromandis was in a realm superior to his own, a true Quasi-God King. His genetic quality was superior, and he even had flight capabilities, but now, he couldn't repel him.

Thinking of the treasures he needed possessed by Andromandis, Lin Zhen quickened his pace, intending to strike while the iron was hot and end this battle.

Clang, clang, clang~~~!!!

A continuous string of bursting bean-like weapon collisions caused Andromandis to retreat.

"Puh!" Another sword strike, Cold Crow sliced across Andromandis's leg. The wound was not large, but the freezing air had begun to affect his movement and inconvenience his fight.


Andromandis seemed somewhat panicked. At this rate, his life was at risk.

"Lin Zhen, how about we call it a draw. I'll give you the Lunar Ring, let's end today's battle. Otherwise, you will never really win if I fight to the death."