Chapter 1172: Tree Demon King's Adventure (Third Update, with 1120 additional monthly votes)_1

Whether Ge Lin or Lin Zhen, both knew that the struggle for the Primordial Chaos Armor was unfolding between them.

Anda was originally the most hopeful, but he was forced by Lin Zhen to become a God King, but was then instantly transported away by Guxing Diaosou.

You must know that when Guxing Diaosou initially cast them all into the Star Sea, it symbolized that the struggle for the Primordial Chaos Armor would be completed within the Star Sea. Now that Anda has departed, he is naturally out of the competition.

The key issue now is with Windy Tower. Whoever finds Windy Tower first will get the Primordial Chaos Armor first.

Lin Zhen couldn't possibly give Ge Lin a Sovereign Seal and Ge Lin couldn't possibly give Lin Zhen one. They were somewhat friendly with each other before, so they aimed to avoid a direct confrontation as much as possible.

But no one knew where Windy Tower was or whether he came to Mirror Lake Continent to explore the wilderness.