Chapter 1179 Heavenly Behemoth Gene Essence (third update, plus 1160 monthly tickets)_1

There have been numerous instances in the past where beings at the peak of the Upper Gods, eligible to cultivate the 6th level of life genes, made a wrong choice which resulted in their bodies exploding and their souls scattering.

You can't fit a bucket of water into a small bottle.

You can't dig a bottomless hole with a small toothpick.

What truly matters is what suits you best.

Once your Divine Body Strength surpasses 3 million and your Spiritual Power reaches the Crystallization Period, it automatically triggers the cultivation of the Undying Body, thus making you a God King.

Currently, Lin Zhen's Divine Body Strength is only 2.11 million, not yet at the level of a God King.

However, he was certain that as soon as he ascends to the rank of an Upper God, he will instantly advance to a God King.

Although there have been cases of Upper Gods in the late stage ascending to God Kings, there have been none who ascended right after entering the realm of the Upper Gods.