Chapter 1189: Clash with the God King! _1

Lin Zhen knew there were treasures within the volcano. In his wildest dreams, however, he did not expect to discover this item.

A flying palace was essential to Lin Zhen. Without it, maneuvering within the Star Sea would be next to impossible. Relying on flying arms alone in this boundless Star Sea was unrealistic. By the time you've arrived at a location, the flower would have already wilted.

Of course, Free-flying Satellites and Divine Shield Ships could also work, but neither moved as quickly as a flying palace, nor boasted anywhere close to the same defensive capabilities and could easily be destroyed by Strong Ones.

A Flying Palace was simply the safest mode of transport, its defense was unbeatable, and it was an essential travel requirement.

More importantly, the object was a Sword Box. How could Lin Zhen, already the owner of two divine swords, possibly pass up on this treasure?