Chapter 1193: God Sword Counterattack! (Third update, plus 1320 monthly tickets) _1

Upon hearing Chris's voice, a huge burst of joy filled Lin Zhen!

Since he arrived at the specific star systems, his authority had plummeted to rock-bottom levels.

The authority he had in the New and Original worlds was utterly useless here, and everything had to start from square one.

To upgrade his authority, he needed to elevate his realm gradually. There were also other layers of power he could utilize, such as the strength of the Purgatory Warrior, which could enhance his authority.

Lin Zhen's current authority was embarrassingly limited, still just at the level of a Middle-Level God. Even though he had the fighting strength of a God King, without at least three million units of his divine body strength, he couldn't be promoted to God King.

If he wasn't a God King, wasn't an Upper God, he could only remain with the authority of a Middle-Level God.

Major auctions, special occasions requiring status, these were all events Lin Zhen was unqualified to participate in.