Chapter 1197 Nine-tailed King_1

Lin Zhen's plan was perfect: flying all the way and cultivating peacefully in the Sword Palace, then he would enter seclusion once he reached the Skywind Valley, followed by enlightenment and return.

In the beginning, everything progressed as planned. Lin Zhen was doing great in his cultivation in the palace. After one full year, he had passed the twenty-seventh level of the Heavenly Platform.

Once he passed the twenty-seventh level, the points of his dark matter had increased by thirty in each attribute!

"So the later the level in the Heavenly Platform, the more dark matter points increase. In that case, the twenty-eighth level would increase by forty, and the twenty-ninth level would increase by fifty!"

"By the twenty-ninth level, I should be able to condense the Gold Element Divine Avatar and by the thirty-first level, I should be able to condense another Divine Avatar!"