Chapter 1205: The Chance of Wind _1

Upon entering the Level 70 Wind Zone, Lin Zhen immediately felt the power of the speed-of-light Gale.

The wind became so rapid that it was impossible to differentiate it with the naked eye. Even if you could sense the slightest change in wind speed, there was no time to adjust or adapt to it.

The only way was to withstand the it!

However, Lin Zhen dared to enter the speed-of-light wind zone because he had his top-tier, battle-ready Primordial Chaos Armor!

The silver armor appeared from beneath his skin, blocking a majority of the wind's power.

This was the best armor indeed, strong enough that even the speed-of-light wind could not destroy it directly. As a result, the harm inflicted on Lin Zhen's body was reduced significantly after being blocked by the armor.

Even so, the force was too unbearable for Lin Zhen to stand against, and he felt as if his bones were about to break.