Chapter 1210: Marriage Matters_1

Back when Lin Zhen was still on Earth, he would often hear a statement.

The world is actually quite small!

Because sometimes, you would unexpectedly bump into someone you never thought you would meet.

An unexpected encounter in the same city, the same touristic spot, or even in a foreign land.

After such occurrences, people would exclaim that the world is large, yet so small.

But after leaving Earth and gradually entering the vast cosmos, no one would utter such words.

Nobody would say, the universe is so small.

A chance encounter between two people would be nothing short of a fantastical tale.

Just the Witch Star alone is three million light-years in diameter, so much larger than the Milky Way, even if someone were to fly at a speed of 186,282 miles per second from birth to death living a hundred years, it would still require flying for thirty thousand generations!

Yet today, Lin Zhen suddenly felt that the universe wasn't really that large.