Chapter 15: Demon Armor (Please Recommend and Collect)

The girl's eyes were lifeless, but Li Changhe was sure she was staring at him, as if peering through the disguise of the dog head mask and sensing his tension.

She didn't respond to Li Changhe's words, only stared at him silently.

"You mean... they didn't do anything wrong?" The girl suddenly spoke, her previously lifeless face flashing with a complex emotion.

Just as Li Changhe was about to speak, the girl coldly said, "If you think I'm going to debate the rules and regulations with you, then you two are the fourth and fifth people who will die here!" She said this as she turned her head towards the door, a cold laugh escaping her lips, "Or do you think the one outside who can't even save himself will save you?"

Li Changhe's heart tightened. The female ghost had discovered the [Player] who had come to support him! That's right, the ghosts' perception abilities might be higher than [Players].

Earth Knight's face also darkened. He had noticed the air growing colder in the last few seconds and guessed that [Players] were already nearby. He had planned to cooperate with his arriving teammates to deal with the female ghost, but she had discovered them first.

Li Changhe took a slight breath, his body slightly tensed and ready for an attack. Since they had already been discovered, the worst-case scenario was that the three of them would have to fight and kill the female ghost together.

But he had to avoid this choice as much as possible. The [Player] outside wouldn't be able to save himself? Was he injured during the previous [Task]? Could it be Xiao Nan?

If a fight were to occur, Earth Knight might still have a chance. If he cooperated with the teammate outside, they might be able to eliminate the female ghost. But Li Changhe himself was only lv1, surely the first target, and undoubtedly destined to die. And that was the best-case scenario. If what the female ghost said was true and the [Player] outside was also injured, then there was a good chance all three of them would die here.

The original sneak attack had now turned into a forced assault, and there was no way Li Changhe could survive this.

Damn it! I can't stand to lose another round!

Li Changhe sighed and voiced his thoughts, "Yes, they were wrong. They were wrong for hurting others because of their selfish desires. They were wrong for betraying your trust. They were wrong for driving the teacher to her death."

"So, did I do something wrong? Tell me the truth... I... can see it," the female ghost softly asked again. The terrifying aura around her slowly dissipated.

Earth Knight's hair began to fall, as if waiting for the answer to a question that had plagued him for years, showing a hint of goodwill.

Li Changhe knew that what he would say next would directly impact the fate of the three of them. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely make up a satisfactory excuse to fool the female ghost.

Men lie, and ghosts can be deceived as well.

But now, the female ghost might really be able to detect the truth from his words. If he lied, he might make things worse.

"You were wrong."

Li Changhe took a step back, in case the female ghost lashed out, "It's not that you were wrong for seeking revenge. If I were in your shoes, I would do even worse. They killed the person you respected. Simply taking their lives would have been too easy on them."

This wasn't a lie. Li Changhe believed that there was nothing wrong with getting revenge if someone had been wronged; people should be responsible for their actions.

It wasn't about someone else suffering punishment later and then happily putting an end to the grudges.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent? Would someone stand up for the teacher and the female ghost? Was the female ghost's behavior too extreme?

The biggest joke of the century!

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. This seemed like a very right statement.

But life is short, and it's not easy to come into this world. If one's life is destroyed by someone else, it's meaningless.

For the victims, it is already irrelevant to them.

So Li Changhe believed that at least in regards to revenge, the female ghost wasn't wrong. Her mistake was...

"You believed in people you shouldn't have trusted. You told them secrets that should have remained hidden in your heart," Li Changhe whispered, "At the same time, you let the teacher fall into the most difficult situation. Have you ever thought about what an originally hardworking and serious person went through during the time when rumors were rampant, being crushed by the pressure, and eventually committing suicide out of despair? So, I said from the beginning... you were the one who killed the teacher. You were wrong for not standing up to clarify or counter the rumors when they were spreading. You were wrong for not helping her withstand the pressure when the teacher needed you. You didn't do anything!"

There was a deafening silence in the room.

Earth Knight held his breath, his palm empty, ready to strike at any time.

At the same time, the temperature in the room began to drop rapidly. Even the strands of hair on the floor were starting to frost over.

The [Player] outside noticed the commotion in the room. It was time to act!

The female ghost's face turned even paler, but she suddenly said, "I also made a mistake... not having the kind of friend who would help me remove someone else's tire." Her beautiful face showed a mix of regret and mockery.

Earth Knight didn't understand what she meant. What did this have to do with tires?

But now, Li Changhe's face really changed. This female ghost had actually picked up on his thoughts from earlier! She knew about his random reminiscing!

Li Changhe's heart chilled. He had never imagined that the female ghost could read his thoughts like this, making his time-buying strategy and coordination with [Players] meaningless.

However, the female ghost didn't attack the two of them. Instead, she looked towards the door, her fingers twitching.

The wooden door suddenly opened.

Xiao Nan, the Laughing Gentleman, stood outside, The door revealed her as the [Player] who had come to support them. If it weren't for her familiar demeanor and stance, Li Changhe might not have recognized her at all.

Her appearance changed dramatically. The black coat she had worn before was replaced by a strange blue body-hugging scale armor, and her exposed arms and back were wrapped in a water-like substance. Her face was still shrouded in mist.

In one hand, she held a large wall-mounted painting covered in thick frost, and in the other hand, she held a strange two-handed sword with water flowing around it, defying gravity.

Following the [Evolution Game] making Darwin's theory of evolution difficult, were [Players] now starting to bother with Newton's law of universal gravitation? Li Changhe couldn't help but tease in his heart. Can this plan still hold?

At the same time, he was surprised at Xiao Nan's current state. She was not the kind of girl who liked to dress sexy. Li Changhe had known her for many years and had only seen her wearing a bridesmaid dress when attending relatives' weddings, when she was so shy she almost died - a typical Capricorn girl.

Why would she wear this kind of strange scale armor that exposed her body and bare back? The defense force probably wasn't even as useful as Earth Knight's full-body Western-style armor.

Was it not her intention, but something she had to wear to ensure her combat power?

Could this be the so-called demon armor?

Li Changhe guessed right. This was the demon armor mentioned by Invisible Red Dust earlier.

[Special Skill: Demon Armor. Demon God Baal]

[Type: Comprehensive Enhancement]

[Effect 1: Gain a part of Demon God Baal's strength]

[Effect 2: ???]

[Effect 3: ??]

[Consumption: Consume energy proportionally during combat]

[Acquisition conditions: Obtain Baal's recognition in King Solomon's script, or have a chance to obtain it by killing the one who obtained the recognition]

[Note: Sorrowful and isolated spirit, dwell in me, turn my body into a mighty Demon God]

"Tsk, it looks like that Baal isn't a serious demon god either," Li Changhe muttered in his heart.