Chapter 56 Run! (Seeking recommendations, collecting, and seeking comments)

[Player]'s initial plan was indeed to investigate Longevity Square. They anticipated having to fight those plague rats and even considered the result of battling the humanoid plague rats mentioned in the [Task Details].

But they didn't expect such a blatant and aggressive approach!

"Don't get nervous!" Mo Mang whispered, "If my [Skill] can deceive the Transcendents, it can definitely deceive the rats! Don't make any noise!"

Although she said this, she was trembling, and her words were unclear!

Li Changhe was also anxious, worrying that if she accidentally canceled her skill, they would have to feed the rats tonight.

As a [Player], Mo Mang shouldn't be so easily frightened. If she was, how would she reach this level? Probably... she was afraid of rats.

Three [Players] hiding a little farther away also looked pale, but they were more composed and prepared for battle.