Chapter 76 I Don't Want to Accept This Task (Please Collect and Recommend)

Fantasy Species cannot be studied or proven. Human understanding of them is merely marked by the [Evolution Game].

For example, the rat-men from the [Chang'an Plague] are classified by the [Evolution Game] as a Spirit Monster Species.

If one could bring back a rat-man's corpse for research, it could be determined that they evolved from rodents.

However, humans are left in the dark when it comes to Fantasy Species; we can't figure out their origins and evolutionary paths. They seem to be creatures that appeared out of thin air.

Compared to other species, their overall baseline is much higher.

Although Li Changhe successfully killed a Fantasy Species player with a lead ball the first time, facing them head-on would be quite challenging. Of course, Li Changhe's current attributes naturally render him unafraid.