Chapter 122: Mermaid (Please Collect, Like, and Recommend)

The moment Luo Kai pushed open the temple gate, the surroundings changed.

The sky of the midday all at once turned gloomy. Rain fell without any warning. The temple structures were instantly in shambles. Rather than us entering the [Instance] suddenly,

It's more accurate to say the environment around us changed abruptly. It was more like an Instance descended upon this world.

The scene inside the temple gates took everyone aback.

Innumerable human-like creatures were fighting inside the temple. If we were to describe them using our knowledge,

They were mermaids! Or rather… Mermaids!

In both Eastern and Western lore, there are similar beings. The Western version is referred to as mermaids. They are beautiful creatures with the upper bodies of humans and the tails of fish.

Every child should've heard stories about mermaids in their childhood, filled with either pity or sadness for the kind mermaid princess.