Chapter 137 Cooperation? (Seeking Collection, Seeking Recommendation, Seeking Subscription)

"Hiss!" Luo Kai and the others, who were hiding on a nearby hillside, ready to strike at any moment, gasped when they heard the sound from the communicator.

Even the hands of the [Great Wall players] maintaining the formation trembled.

Almost dispelling the formation.

Taking advantage of the mermaid troops still being far away, the group quickly approached the valley through the trees on the hillside. Using the formation and [Skill] to silently approach the woman in white.

Then they planned.

Li Changhe walked in the open, and Teacher Wang in the shadows. One openly and one secretly approaching the woman in white.

But Li Changhe's actions left [Great Wall] baffled. Wasn't it supposed to be testing first, then besieging, and finally torturing after catching her?

What are you doing riding a bike to strike up a conversation? Is this a youth drama? Moreover, your position and distance are not suitable for an attack at all!