Chapter 146 Just Take It as Praising Me (Requesting Collection, Recommendation, and Comments)

The six of them warily walked for over half an hour, with the red-finned sea clansman becoming quite impatient.

He said harshly, "Don't try any tricks on us! Are you planning to ambush us ahead? Or do you want to drag this out until the heavy rain stops?"

They couldn't help but feel anxious. If they were in an open area, they would have already seen the vast army of mermaid forces in the distance.

Their plan to leave the tribe earlier to threaten the human [Players] would be in vain if they continued this slow pace.

"Are you kidding, old man?" Li Changhe kept a distance of about ten meters from them and replied, "If we go faster, wouldn't you be afraid that we'd run away?"

It was true that every time the three of them sped up, the sea clan's murderous intentions rose. They simply didn't trust them.

Both sides were [Players]. On the surface, the sea clan should be stronger than humans as Fantasy Species. However, who could know if humans had any hidden cards?