Chapter 164: Too much! (Seeking subscriptions, recommendations, and monthly tickets)

'Sacrifices' were led one by one down the altar, seemingly to be locked somewhere to wait for tomorrow's sacrificial ceremony.

Along the way, all the [Players] were analyzing the present environment or clues.

There were quite a few residents around the altar. When the people were brought down with chains, many people were watching under the altar.

As the 'sacrifices' were led down the altar, some of them let out sighs of regret.

Perhaps to them, 'sacrifices' were not considered fellow tribespeople, or maybe they simply treated the sacrificial activity as a form of entertainment?

Seeing them wearing silk-like materials, most of the people were white, as Li Changhe noted to himself.

Was it silk? Did it represent some connection to ancient Hua Country? White people... silk... Sun King.

Li Changhe quickly found these keywords in his memory. He found connections to ancient Hua Country, but they were white people. They had black curly hair. Living sacrifices to the Sun King...