Chapter 193: You Call This Assassination? (Seeking Subscription)

[Player] felt their hearts sink - their best effort to attack actually... failed to kill the Sun King!

Or rather, no one guessed that the Sun King's true form was actually that half-faced mask.

"We actually only shot at nothing," Li Changhe said, shaking his head in pain. He really had no means of doing anything now.

Now that all their attributes were reduced by one point, Li Changhe's [Attribute Characteristics] had disappeared.

He couldn't even use [Abyssal Whisper] anymore. The use condition for [Abyssal Whisper] was having all attributes at 8 points.

With Li Changhe's [Bronze Skin Iron Bone] gone, the effect of [Strength+1] also vanished. Li Changhe's current strength was at 7 points.

He couldn't trigger any equipment's effects.

Not to mention he had already been severely injured, even moving a bit was extremely painful, and some internal injuries were likely suffered.