Chapter 199: So Arrogant (Please Subscribe)

During the day, Yanyun seemed bustling and crowded.

As it was a weekend, all the main roads were full of people and carriages, creating a lively scene.

Between the high-rise buildings, office workers were busy, complaining about their overtime pay not being enough.

A middle-aged office worker was smoking by the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the traffic below the building and sighing about how to kneel on the washing board without pain when he returned from socializing.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed before his eyes.

The middle-aged office worker was startled, dropping his cigarette on his hand. This was the twentieth floor! What was that?

He brushed off the cigarette ash and looked closely, only to see a pitch-black bird passing by the building's window.

"Are there birds like this in the city?" he murmured, complaining for a while.

It was actually a black hawk, a bird of prey that shouldn't have appeared in the city.