Chapter 28: One of Our Own! A Bargain Godfather_2

As for cooperating with the third force, it's not even worth thinking about. Now that the steam soldiers have backed off, there's still a chance.

"The second one seems to be... The steam soldiers went after that group of people." Paperman Zhang shook his head regretfully, "It's so lonely being a master, it's rare to meet masters who seem to be from the Strategy Group. You think their luck is that bad? Two steam soldiers, plus an unfathomable Extraordinary being. I'm afraid it's useless even if they kneel and call for their daddy."

"Well, that's good news. Whether they can escape this disaster or not, once they resist, they'll provoke the dissatisfaction and hostility of the third force, completely cutting off the possibility of cooperation." Volga laughed, "That's something to look forward to."


On the other side, the faces of Li Changhe and others began to look bad. They were now moving towards the camp of the martial arts forces.