Chapter 104 Physical Fitness Training

Time really flies, it feels like just a few days ago that I left. Half of the winter holiday has already passed.

After finishing New Year's Eve dinner at Old Man Yun's, Li Changhe couldn't help but sigh, "Where has the time gone?"

"We seniors only have nine days of holiday, what are you getting sentimental about?" He Feng, who came out with him, mocked while picking his teeth.

"Right, you guys are in your final year. If you don't work harder, you'll end up like me, a worker bee." someone reminded.

"However, Li Changhe has now become the Working Emperor."

"Some people are worker bees, while others have become emperors."

"Aren't they still working?"

A group of people chatting happily walked out from the orphanage.

This was an old tradition. Some children from the orphanage would choose to have a New Year's Eve dinner together.

After they had eaten and drunk their fill, as expected, they were hustled out by the old man.