Chapter 341: High Altitude

When the woman fell in a pool of blood, the remaining Blood Clan players showed no reaction.

The fatal wounds of humans were nothing to the Blood Clan, not to mention the Blood Clan players who, after strengthening, had become powerful beings comparable to the original ancestors. As long as they had enough Life Currency, they could survive even if their heads were chopped off.

However, the woman called Luya was a gluttonous one.

In fact, the Blood Clan also had different tastes, with high preferences for blood type and even gender. Some of them were very strict.

But Luya was indiscriminate in her choices, seducing handsome men to bed with her beauty, and during their union, she would bite open their blood vessels and devour their blood.

This Blood Clan had a strange habit, but because of it, she had a lot of Life Currency. After all, she wasn't picky and ate a lot.