Hope it is over

Rose side

"no, Emily" I ran to the men thank goodness they where here "something is wrong" the all look at me shocked I played the voice note "shit" am so scared who is this person what do they want "what do we do" Bob sat down then looked at the ceiling "the person that ran recognized who we are" Clover walked closer "which person" "when we go t there no one was around the prisoners had escaped I think the person that came there was their boos she didn't know.." Brown was stopped by Kelly "it is a she" they nodded then continue "she ran after hearing us, we didn't catch so we check the cameras and found out it was wiped out only today and the last hour after they left was there the laptops and hard disk wipe out we used Daniel laptop to check it" what but who did we offend who could be this "lets rush to your house now" Ana said Eric stopped her "you cant go Beauty" he said then she nodded "Ana he is right you all need to be here only me will go I know right now Bob isn't happy with what I said but am not backing down.

Emily side

Someone hit my head strongly I turned to see some men in black and looking at me three surround me "run now" Hannah shouted from the front door me I summoned all the strength I had and walked towards her she had mom's gun and she shot even if it was not clear "I have the car keys" thank god I held this for that time we got in "you will have to drive" it old her "I cant " no time "don't bargain for this just move I will drive when I feel better" she starts driving I pulled out the first aid box some cotton wools cleaned the wound and took some painkillers "ok let me "we exchanged I drove out" "lets go to where mom and dad is" I taught of it then shake my head "they might follow us there" she nodded "lets sleep some place the wont suspect" we got to the hill and the camping tent "how do you know here" "I normally visit the stars here" she laughed an d I laughed too actual it was where Eric and I will sneak to for fun I cant even imagine my self doing that thing he claimed I did well he has someone else I think it is for the best "come there is a tent here I just used it this morning" thanks goodness there was some snacks and water left we got inside "here some water" I took out from the bag "at least we have four bottles left" she said gulping down one "here some popcorn" we ate it and slept off "help, please wake up someone kept shaking us"


Oliver side

I got down from the car to ease my self after I was done I saw some people it looks like they where searching for people I recognized them the boss high classed men "shit" I walked closer to the car carried the bag f money then the two bottled water and then I tapped Snow "shh, lets go" she came down we walked out but some people spotted us "run" we ran and they came after us "do you think she sent them for us I shake my head and hid between some bushes "lets go they went that way" they went the opposite direction, we walked out I check the time on my watch 6 am so early "see a car there" someone is close by "come yes there is a tent" Snow ran to it and shouted waking them up


"what was that for" cleaning my eyes I saw snow in front of me "snow" she hugged "I taught I wont see you again" I hugged back making sure am not dreaming "your real" I woke Hannah the told us everything and then we headed to the car "so you are part of them but why did every one escaped" "she kidnap me and my friends at age 12 and forced us to this she called any one parent if you disobey I disobeyed once and my dad was killed my mom ran with my sister but she was found but without my sister so ever since then I have been humble but when I heard she died few days ago I knew nothing was keeping me again and I got out with her.

Bob side

They are not here the whole house is a mess "Fuck" no one here I dragged rose the rest followed and we got to Brown house I need some fresh air right now

"bob calm down" she hugged me I needed that right now "I am" I followed her to the sitting room and some hurried footsteps where heard "Snow, Emily, Hannah" both Rose and Crystal said it "my daughters" Rose hugged her after the touching moment "hello" we all turned back to see a man with some bags "how can we help you" I said coming closer "he saved me" Snow said "I don't think am going to lie to them I don't like lies" he dropped the bag and walked round "I was sent to kidnap her" he is joking right "so what are you doing here, get out" Clever said "wait first, years ago I was kidnap by that bitch she wanted a gang and then kidnap me and my friends, we refused to do what she said we should do so she killed our dads in front of us so sad right" he coughed after a while then Eric sent for some cup of water for him "so how those it concern us" Pink said "am coming to that, after she did that we deciding to obey doing everything she asked hoping the night mare will end but it didn't when I became 18 years we planned to escaped we sent secret letters to our remaining families to run after the job of kidnapping a girl I deciding to run with her" he gulped the water and asked for more "is it Snow" Kelly asked he shook his head "no, it was Deborah Perry , but she came un aware she wanted to use our family but the ran away from the location, she taught I was in love with the girl and then killed her" he gulped down another glass of water "so why didn't u run again" "she froze our accounts ceased the passport and every legal documents, she said it will be released when we kidnap you we got everything but I didn't know it will our last I heard a conversation told my friends and then we deciding not to tell anymore where we are going or our plans of escaping that's why I escaped without them" "the place was empty when we came" Daniel said "yes I know, and she came to kill us" "yes I think but she was there" "she saw you guys" we nodded "and tried to kidnap her" he pointed at Emily and Hannah "yes" "ok actually are focus was on you and you" he pointed at Rose, Ana and me "why" Ana asked " she wanted to kidnap Ana but the Will family was stopping she wanted Pink Kate but Mr. Brown stopped her so she went her" he said pick his bag "I will be leaving" "leaving to where" I asked him "to my mom" and with that he left.

Ana side

"I don't still get it, why me and how those it link me and the Pearl family, stop him"' he was called back he dropped the bag frowning "what is it" "answer everything" "she has a grudge against you I think she is your aunt or a family member and I think Emily is your cousin or sister" he said I gasped "your joking" "ok am done here if you have more question catch her and asked" I turned to Emily no we don't even look alike we cant "'this is not true I will ask whoever that bitch is"' he smirked then pick his bag "good choice" Eric dad's arrived with Beauty "hello Oliver" Beauty said "you know him" Crystal said "your daughter is in trouble, she has seen her" Oliver said "how, when" Eric's dad asked "this story is too much, we went to her school I was to hide has a cleaner to find some information" "information on what" Eric asked "on the principal to kidnap him but it failed, that day while doing the plan at that time all of the kids are to be playing in the garden but only her was in the class when the bitch saw her she told me to take her to the garden but she asks so much question kept on playing with her and for the first time I saw that bitch smile we all played with her forgetting our plan but she didn't regret forgetting that plan for two weeks we enjoyed she was so happy after that week the grumpy bitch came back"' he finished talking while Beauty hugged him before pecking everyone "I wish to see her again" wait first "what did she tell you her was" I turned to Beauty "she told her precious but that is not her name she is too smart to give her a real name, bye" "no stay" Eric's dad said "she might try to kill you again so place stay" Brown said calling the maid he told her to show him the guest room.

Oliver side

"I need to find my sister am not staying" seriously after all the interrogation they still want me to stay "please we will help you find her and am sure has you leave she will trail you" Kelly said I just had to agree to avoid issues "I will after two weeks I will leave" I got to the room set for me and then slept off I need that badly

Rose side

My babies your safe now "lets sleep" Bob said behind me "no I will stay" I cant go after this "no we are going" he carried me up "drop me I will scream" I hit his back "your already doing that" he drops me on the bed and locks the door before I could leave "maybe you should shower or I should bath you" so that's why he was so disturb "I will do that my self" he chuckled I got down to shower

Crystal side

My daughter, you look so pale and you didn't eat much" "no need mom" "leave her good night" he kissed her forehead and dragged me to room "my darling she is safe don't worry we are safe" he comforted me and I fell in his arms "time to shower dear we need to sleep too" I went to the shower "do you think he is saying the truth" I asked him while I climb the bed "maybe but we need to catch her and find out everything" "but" he stopped me "sleep my love" alright no one is worried I will sleep "ok good night dear