Challenging a Lieutenant

The distance between the forest edge and the current border of the enemy Fan Kingdom camp was only about 100 feet, but the terrain was rough and uneven, making travel slow and cumbersome.

This was Deon's first assurance that he held some advantage here, since his agility was top tier amongst everyone he had faced, but he wouldn't rely on just that.

As Deon and Lieutenant Cra stopped 10 feet apart from one another, the two stared silently for a while, sizing one another up. Deon kept an indifferent, emotionless expression, showing nothing of his thoughts as he examined the lieutenant.

At first, he was relieved to find that she was indeed just at the initial stage, meaning it was very unlikely that she would possess a 2-Star spirit aside from her core spirit. However, in the next instant, Deon gradually became more serious. Ignoring his rational thinking, he definitely felt a powerful danger emanating from this person…no, it wasn't just a feeling, this was definitely his strongest opponent since his arrival on the spirit continent!

It seemed obvious since she was a 2-Star shaman, but Deon knew that this coming battle would, without a doubt, be his most difficult and dangerous since arriving in this world.

He forced himself to remain calm, not letting his desire to battle immediately leak out.

Deon still needed to suppress that crazed and reckless battle intent he developed back in the underworld trial now and then, reminding himself that if he took too many risks too often, he would obviously end up dead.

At the same time though, if he was too restrained and afraid to take risks, he would never accomplish anything meaningful. So, he analysed carefully.

The danger of a one on one battle, the rewards should he come out victorious…

Deon finally smiled, startling the lieutenant somewhat. Whilst Deon was lost in his own musings, she was also shocked by the demeanour of this child. She almost doubted that he was actually a child, but…he was small and clearly 10-12 years old.

But oddly enough, she actually felt a sense of danger from this kid! This shocked her thoroughly, it was the first time since becoming a 2-Star powerhouse that a mere 1-Star shaman had caused her to feel any degree of danger!

1-Star shamans often had many flaws in their combat ability, especially these soldiers who focussed on becoming a single cog in the overall war machine. However, looking at Deon, she instinctively knew that he had no such flaws. On top of that, his battle strength was definitely formidable for a 1-Star shaman.

There was no doubt about it, she had underestimated him.

The killing intent in her heart grew even stronger.

'Dangerous, letting this child grow any further will be a calamity for my Fan Kingdom! I need to put a stop to this here and now! Only, a 1 on 1 battle, there's no way he would agree to such a-'

"So, how about we save our forces from unneeded losses and battle one on one? No external interference whatsoever. How does it sound? I think it's in both of our best interests to avoid a head on conflict, the losses won't be minor, no matter the outcome."

After a few seconds, the lieutenant still didn't reply, but just kept on staring at him. Deon felt doubtful…was there something on his face?

When she finally looked up and her eyes darted about, silently observing, checking, analysing, Deon wryly realised the issue.

His declaration was simply ridiculous in her eyes. Lieutenant Cra didn't believe that a 1-Star shaman actually thought he could defeat her, so she immediately assumed this was trap.

However, no matter how diligently she searched, she couldn't find any clues.

With a sigh, Deon glanced realised that he needed to show some sincerity. He glanced back and whistled loudly, signalling to his men.

Within 15 seconds, a total of 50 soldiers, many covered in blood and still emitting extreme killing intent, emerged from the forest line. The Fan soldiers tensed up and prepared for battle. However, when they saw the Restari reinforcements stop behind Deon and stand there silently, he sighed out in relief

"Stand down, the enemy is merely trying to show that they have the power to battle us. It is highly likely that they have more than just this, so they're not wrong…" The commander serving under Lieutenant Cra turned anxiously towards the lieutenant after speaking to his men.

What happened next all depended on her ability to coax the child into a battle now…or so he believed, nobody on the Fan Kingdom side realised that Deon had already made this suggestion first.

Deon had already informed his men that he intended to battle the lieutenant 1 on 1. They were unsure, but his confidence wore off on them…or rather, the fact that he looked more excited than afraid dispelled their worries for the most part.

The lieutenant had also told her men not to act unless explicitly told to do so.

The pair stared at one another and Deon smiled faintly, waiting for her answer.

"You seriously think you can beat me?" Lieutenant Cra finally spoke. Her expression was cold and her gaze firm, she stared down at Deon whilst trying to hide her emotions.

"Yes, lieutenant, I do believe so. Peak stage 1-Star shamans aren't even a challenge at this point, so if I want to improve, fighting a powerful foe is the best way. Aside from that, I have confidence that I will be able to kill you in this battle." Deon nodded and explained politely with a smile, he knew that Lieutenant Cra was just a step away from agreeing to his challenge.

Deon smiled brightly in the next second.

"Also, this is the fastest way for me to obtain merit, promotions, authority, more resources and so on…a 1-Star child killing a 2-Star powerhouse, it should be a first, right?" He laughed without feeling any shame about his greed.

With this, Lieutenant Cra finally believed that this crazy child truly believed himself capable of defeating her.

"I have heard rumours from my men…there have been reports that you use some spirits which could only belong to the demonic path…now I see that it's true, you truly are a demon." She stared at him coldly, but she actually relaxed slightly, no longer feeling suspicious that this might be a trap.

Deon was startled…it seemed he had been a bit careless. He definitely needed to make sure to kill everyone in this unit.

Anyone who had seen his soul refinement and soul extraction spirits needed to die…of course, the lieutenant could also be talking about the ancient demon spirit. The ancient demon spirit also had quite the 'evil' aura, but the soul spirits' ability to devour souls was certainly more shocking to these shamans from mortal nations.

In the lieutenant's eyes, demonic path shamans must all be crazy figures, so the fact that this kid was such a person made his actions somewhat understandable.

The heroic looking woman smiled coldly and took a step forwards, much to Deon's excitement.

"You're a demon, using your country just to reap benefits for yourself. You care for nobody, any method is acceptable to you…I only trust that you won't sneak attack during this honourable duel, because your subordinates are truly righteous, despite being Restari scum, so they would never accept such a thing."

"True, true." Deon nodded. "And I trust that you're looking down on me, thinking I'm arrogant and ignorant, overestimating myself. Haha, of course, your assumption is wrong."

"Oh? How so?" The tall woman narrowed her eyes as her utility boots crushed on the uneven ground once again.

"I know you're strong." Deon chuckled, shaking his head as he looked up at the lieutenant with a burning gaze. "You have at least one 2-Star spirit, possibly 2. Perhaps also some 1-Star spirits that you're able to make better use of that me."

The woman paused and frowned. Deon examined her reaction to his provocation, but she quickly hid her expression, so he could not ascertain anything for now.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Deon took a step forwards and suddenly, his aura changed. He no longer smiled, but stared into her eyes with extreme killing intent.

The lieutenant was startled, and only more shocked with each casual step Deon took forwards.

Usually, he hid his aura for the most part, except sometimes in the midst of battle where people would just dismiss it as one battle crazed aura amongst many others.

But this woman could feel it now, and she could see it in his eyes. Looking into those deep, dark eyes, was like staring into the depths of hell and seeing an endless realm of shadows and flames. And yet, at the same time, this gaze held a strange tranquility.

A tranquility that she couldn't comprehend, given his extreme battle intent, and even more extreme killing intent.

Deon paused for a moment and suddenly, the lieutenant now realised that they were only a single step away from one another!

Deon's words and actions were very unusual, he had thrown her off, gaining an advantage before the battle had even begun. Against an opponent like this, Deon knew that he needed to fight for every opportunity he could get.

As he thought about what was to come, his first battle against a 2-Star shaman, his first battle in the spirit continent that he did not have absolute confidence in winning…

A faint crazed smile spread across Deon's childish face.

He was definitely going to enjoy this.